Ministry Area Leaders

A MINISTRY AREA LEADER (MAL) works to facilitate and coordinate ministries within their group, with other ministry areas and the church council. 

Dan Derenski, Vice President of Council and serves as Leader of the Council of Ministries which consist of all Ministry Area Leaders.

Dan has served as council president for a previous congregation. He currently serves in an advisory role for office technology, is a member of the Property and Safety committee.   




Jack Page, Spiritual Life Ministry Leader




Ruth Ann Hoy, Spiritual Life Ministry Leader



Susan Lee, Community Life Spiritual Leader


June Kristoferson, Outreach Spiritual Leader

June is a 26 year member of Nativity and it’s Chancel Choir.  She is also a Bell Choir member and Chairperson of the Memorial fund Committee. She and husband Buddy served as Chairmen of Junktique and she participated in various other committees throughout her years at Nativity.

What we believe:

Please download our full doctrinal statement.